I’m a sobriety baby

That’s what my father would always share with me. Every time I turned a year old, he would too in sober living years. He would hold my hand into NA and AA meeting rooms, halfway homes, gymnasiums, and churches sharing his story. With me, his sobriety baby, looking up to him. Looking out to his people— as they shared the turn arounds of their lives. How they became sober, just for that day— with their children, families and friends in their hands, minds and hearts.

As young as seven, I heard recovery stories that seemed impossible to overcome and some that involved children like me with parents only days less than a year do sobriety.

With my father in my hand sharing his story I grew an ear of compassion, humility, and love for recovery.

Here I am 26, home owner, business owner, graduate degree, healthy and community involved. Because of sobriety.

There’s power in supporting those who are trying. Trying to tell their stories, overcome the disease of addiction and live healthy abundant lives.

I witnessed my father tell stories about me, my sisters and his trials. We witnessed the fruit of his sobriety move people to create a life committed to recovery.

That’s what Seeds of New Leaf represents. Seed of New Leaf President, Teresa Walker M.D., is a child of recovery, a child that experienced first hand the stories our father shared and the fight of the disease towards an abundant spiritual sober life.

Dr. Walker has created a mental health medical institution for recovering addicts and alcoholics called New Leaf Clinic that supports their mental health and recovery experience with medical and day program intervention. Seeds of New Leaf is a non-profit that supports the recovering clients with assistance to address the barriers that arise during early stages of a sober life. Seeds of New Leaf takes care of transitional/sober-living housing costs, transportation coast, identification costs, childcare, and so much more.

Seeds of New Leaf’s mission to eliminate those barriers. With your support, we can fund a sober life in its early stages to reach years and years of sobriety.

Learn more about Seeds of New Leaf, here.


There are Solutions